This Moose Belongs to Me

41.24 €
Старая как мир сказка "Этот лось принадлежит мне" стала бестселлером "Нью-Йорк таймс"! Уилфред - мальчик с правилами, он живет очень упорядоченной жизнью, тогда ему повезло, что у него есть питомец, который соблюдает такие правила, как не шуметь, в то время как Уилфред обучает его своей коллекции пластинок, однако есть одно правило, которому питомец Уилфреда с трудом следует. Возможно, это потому, что питомец Уилфреда не совсем понимает, что он кому-то принадлежит, Лось может быть таким упрямым, к счастью, им удается найти компромисс, скажем так, в нем участвуют яблоки Оливера Джефферса, создателя бестселлера "Застрял" и невероятного мальчика, поедающего книги.
Книга на английском языке.
The ageold tale of a boy and his moose now a New York Times bestseller! Wilfred is a boy with rules He lives a very orderly life It's fortunate then that he has a pet who abides by rules such as not making noise while Wilfred educates him on his record collection There is however one rule that Wilfred's pet has difficulty following: Going whichever way Wilfred wants to go Perhaps this is because Wilfred's pet doesn't quite realize that he belongs to anyone A moose can be obstinate in such ways Fortunately the two manage to work out a compromise Let's just say it involves apples Oliver Jeffers the bestselling creator of Stuck and The Incredible Book Eating Boy delivers another deceptively simple book sure to make kids giggle.
Книга на английском языке.
The ageold tale of a boy and his moose now a New York Times bestseller! Wilfred is a boy with rules He lives a very orderly life It's fortunate then that he has a pet who abides by rules such as not making noise while Wilfred educates him on his record collection There is however one rule that Wilfred's pet has difficulty following: Going whichever way Wilfred wants to go Perhaps this is because Wilfred's pet doesn't quite realize that he belongs to anyone A moose can be obstinate in such ways Fortunately the two manage to work out a compromise Let's just say it involves apples Oliver Jeffers the bestselling creator of Stuck and The Incredible Book Eating Boy delivers another deceptively simple book sure to make kids giggle.
103.06 €
This Moose Belongs to Me
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The Fox and the Ghost King
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